Purpose and overview of the documentation


The documentation for Asv.Drones serves as a comprehensive guide to empower users in maximizing the capabilities of our drone management software. Whether you're a novice exploring the world of drones or a seasoned professional seeking advanced features, this documentation is crafted to provide clarity, guidance, and insights into every facet of our software.

Key Objectives

  1. Facilitate Smooth Onboarding: The documentation is structured to assist users in the seamless installation and setup of Asv.Drones. Follow our step-by-step guides to get your software up and running quickly.

  2. Optimize User Understanding: Gain a deep understanding of Asv.Drones's features and functionalities. Detailed explanations, examples, and use cases are provided to ensure users can harness the full potential of the software.

  3. Enable Effective Mission Planning: Dive into the intricacies of mission planning with our clear and concise guides. Learn how to create, customize, and execute missions tailored to your specific requirements.

  4. Ensure Proper Configuration: Explore the various configuration options available in Asv.Drones. Our documentation guides you through the process of fine-tuning settings to meet the unique needs of your drones and payloads.

Document Structure

To enhance accessibility, the documentation is organized into the following key sections:

  • Introduction: A high-level overview of Asv.Drones, its features, and the target audience.

  • Installation & Setup: Step-by-step instructions to install and set up the software on your system.

  • Software Interface: In-depth information on the UI of Asv.Drones.

  • Mission Planning: Guides on creating, customizing, and executing drone missions using our software.

  • Drone Control: Guides on calibrating drones, flight modes and routes.

  • Troubleshooting: Common issues and solutions to assist users in overcoming challenges.

  • Contribution Guidelines (if applicable): Information for those interested in contributing to the development of the software.

Feedback and Improvement

We value your feedback! If you have suggestions, encounter ambiguities, or wish to contribute to the enhancement of this documentation, please reach out through our community channels or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository.

Last updated