Connecting a drone to the software

Connecting a Drone


Connecting your drone to Asv.Drones is a straightforward process that involves creating a TCP client port through the "Connections" tab. This establishes a communication link between the software and your drone, enabling seamless control and data exchange during missions.

Steps to Connect a Drone

  1. Open Asv.Drones:

    • Launch Asv.Drones on your device.

  2. Navigate to the "Connections" Tab:

    • Locate and click on the "Connections" tab in the main menu.

  1. Create a New TCP Client Port:

    • Within the "Connections" tab, find the option to create a new TCP port.

    • Choose "TCP Client" as the connection type.

  1. Configure Connection Settings:

    • Enter the necessary details, including port name, the drone's IP address and port number.

    • Ensure that the specified port is open and accessible for communication.

  2. Save and Activate Connection:

    • Save the configuration settings.

    • Activate the connection to establish a link between Asv.Drones and the drone.

  3. Verify Connection Status:

    • Check the connection status to confirm a successful link.

    • If the connection is established, you are ready to control and monitor your drone using Asv.Drones.

Additional Considerations

  • Firewall Settings:

    • Ensure that any firewall or security software on your device allows communication through the specified port.

  • Drone Compatibility:

    • Confirm that your drone is compatible with Asv.Drones. Check for specific compatibility requirements in the drone's documentation.

  • Telemetry Data:

    • Once connected, the software will start receiving real-time telemetry data from the drone, providing insights into its status and performance.


If you encounter issues during the connection process, ensure that the drone is powered on, within range, and the specified connection details are accurate.

Example Configuration:

  • Port title: My new port

  • IP Address:

  • Port Number: 5762

  • Connection Type: TCP Client

By following these steps, you can establish a reliable connection between Asv.Drones and your drone, unlocking the full potential of the software for mission planning, control, and data analysis.

Last updated