Autonomous flight modes


Asv.Drones empowers users with autonomous flight modes, enabling automated and pre-planned missions for drones. These modes provide users with the ability to define waypoints, actions, and specific flight paths, enhancing the efficiency and precision of drone operations.

Planning Autonomous Missions

  1. Accessing Mission Planning Page:

    • Navigate to the Mission Planning page from the Navigation Menu.

  2. Creating or Loading a Mission:

    • Users can create a new mission or load an existing mission file. A mission typically includes waypoints, actions, and specific instructions for the drone.

  3. Adding Waypoints:

    • Define waypoints on the map to create the desired path for the drone. Waypoints represent specific locations that the drone will visit during the mission.

  4. Adjusting Altitudes and Parameters:

    • Fine-tune mission parameters, including altitudes and other relevant settings to meet the mission requirements.

  5. Saving and Uploading the Mission:

    • Once the mission is finalized, users can save it locally and upload it to connected drones for autonomous execution.

Autonomous Flight Modes

Asv.Drones may offer various autonomous flight modes, each serving specific purposes. Some common autonomous flight modes include:

  1. Start mission:

    • The drone navigates through predefined waypoints, following the specified path.

  2. Return to launch (RTL):

    • The drone autonomously returns to its takeoff location or a designated home point.

  3. Set region of interest (ROI):

    • The drone will always point its nose to this point

  4. Immediately land:

    • The drone will stop any other activity and land on the spot

  5. Go to:

    • The drone will go to the specified location

Safety Considerations

  1. Check Environmental Conditions:

    • Before initiating an autonomous mission, ensure weather conditions and environmental factors are suitable for safe drone operations.

  2. Verify GPS Signal Strength:

    • Strong GPS signal is crucial for accurate autonomous navigation. Verify signal strength before initiating autonomous flights.

  3. Monitor Battery Levels:

    • Autonomous missions can consume varying amounts of battery. Monitor battery levels closely to ensure the drone can complete the entire mission.

  4. Emergency Override:

    • Users should be aware of and ready to activate emergency override options to regain manual control if necessary.

Autonomous flight modes in Asv.Drones provide users with powerful tools for efficient data collection and dynamic tracking. Users can leverage these modes to automate complex tasks, enhancing productivity and precision in drone operations.

Last updated